Wydział Elektryczny PB

International students

If you are thinking of doing one or two semesters of your studies at the Faculty of Electrical Engineering, you can choose subjects from the study programmes all taught in English.

Faculty Erasmus+ Coordinator
Jaroslaw Forenc, PhD
room WE-204
+48 85 7469397
Erasmus+ Office
Izabela Ciesluk
room WE-001
+48 85 7469368

Bialystok University of Technology IRO

International students can take maximum of 36 ECTS credits per semester.

Regulations for Studies at Bialystok University of Technology (accessible PDF document, 294 KiB)

Language requirements

If you wish to study for one or more semesters at Faculty of Electrical Engineering, you must be able to speak and write good English. You must be able to understand spoken English when following courses and also be able to write your homework and other assignments and reports in English.


If there is not your course at this schedule it means that it will be provided in a form of consultations. In this case please contact the teacher by e-mail. Remember that a course with enrolled up to 3 students will not be provided in this semester.

Schedule of summer semester 2024/2025 (PDF document, 133 kB)

Erasmus+ Course Catalogue for academic year 2024/2025

More informations about Erasmus+

Courses to be implemented in the summer semester in the 2024/2025 academic year

Lp. Code Course Format of course Regular
1 IS-FEE-10006S Electronics 1 + + + YES
2 IS-FEE-10009S Microprocessor Technique and Microcontrollers + + YES
3 IS-FEE-10024S Control Engineering and Systems + + NO
4 IS-FEE-10026S Digital Signal Processing + + YES
5 IS-FEE-10029S Electrical Machines 2 + + YES
6 IS-FEE-10030S Electronics 2 + + + NO
7 IS-FEE-10031S Field Programmable Gate Arrays + + NO
8 IS-FEE-10033S High Frequency Techniques 1 + + NO
9 IS-FEE-10034S High Voltage Technique + + NO
10 IS-FEE-10036S Techniques of Presentation + YES
11 IS-FEE-10037S Telecommunication Devices + NO
12 IS-FEE-10038S Workshop on Programmable Logic Device + NO
13 IS-FEE-10041S Automotive Electronics + + NO
14 IS-FEE-10043S Embedded Systems + + NO
15 IS-FEE-10047S Instrumentation and Measurements + + NO
16 IS-FEE-10060S Project of Electrical Installations in Industrial Building + NO
17 IS-FEE-10063S Process Automation + + YES
18 IS-FEE-10065S Computer Methods in Automatics + + NO
19 IS-FEE-10076S Fundamentals of Real-Time Operating Systems + + NO
20 IS-FEE-10078S Renewable Energy Technologies + NO
21 IS-FEE-10082S Computer Networks + + YES
22 IS-FEE-10083S Cryptography + + NO
23 IS-FEE-10084S Control of Electrical Drives 2 + + NO
24 IS-FEE-10085S Electrical Circuits 2 + + + + YES
25 IS-FEE-10086S Fundamentals of Telecommunications + + NO
26 IS-FEE-10088S Fundamentals of Robotics: Design and Motion Control + + + NO
27 IS-FEE-10022S Final Project NO

L– lecture, C – classes, LC – laboratory classes, P – project, SW – specialization workshop, S – seminar

Regular classes will be placed in the schedule, irregular classes will be conducted in the form of consultations.

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