Wydział Elektryczny PB

Seminarium naukowe Integrated Approaches for Enhanced Robotic Arm Performance


Uprzejmie zapraszamy na seminarium naukowe, w trakcie którego dr Rabab Benotsmane z Uniwersytetu w Miszkolcu przedstawi wyniki swoich prac naukowych.

Prelegent: Dr Rabab Benotsmane
E-mail: rabab.benotsmane@uni-miskolc.hu
Jednostka: Uniwersytet w Miszkolcu, Węgry
Tytuł seminarium: Integrated Approaches for Enhanced Robotic Arm Performance: Path Planning, Trajectory Optimization, Task Allocation, Collision Detection.
Data seminarium: 17 stycznia r. (środa), godz. 10:15
Miejsce: Sala RWE nr 007 (parter)


The motion planning of the robotic arm is always based on the degree of freedom characterized by the joints placed in each link, where the number of the degree of freedom limits the workspace and defines the redundancy of the robot. Taking into consideration the geometrical constraint and the workspace of the robotic arm, different approaches can be applied to generate the optimal trajectory through the end effector, depending on each joint connected to the link of the robot arm. In the litterature, most of the techniques are based on defining firstly the starting and ending positions. This presentation explores the potential of the integrated approaches for increasing the performance of a robotic arm through the following topics: path planning, trajectory optimization, task allocation, collision detection.
The last part of the presentation will be an open, friendly discussion to exchange the knowledge to the different related fields. Join us for an easy-to-understand exploration of design optimal paths regarding the cycle time and energy consumtion of robotic arm.

Short Bio:

Rabab Benotsmane is an assistant professor in the Institute of Automation and Info-Communication at the University of Miskolc, Hungary. Her field is Modeling, Control and Trajectory Optimisation of Dynamic Systems (Autonomous Vehicles – Serial Robots). She earned the PhD degree in Robotics in 2021, where the research focused on Collaborating Robots Arm Using AI Techniques. Since 2021, she has been actively engaged in teaching and research at the Institute of Automation and Info-Communication, where she led courses on Automation, Robotics, and Embedded Systems. Furthermore, she actively participates in diverse projects related to the gas and oil industry, drone navigation, and AI/ML related to the healthcare. She served as a session chair, organisation committee member and editor in IEEE ICCC’23 (International Carpathian Control Conference). She has published more than 20 peer-reviewed journal articles and conference papers in these domains.

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