Faculty of Electrical Engineering

Diploma Dissertations

Master’s thesis topics, full-time studies, thesis submission deadline 30.09.2024

The structure and requirements of the thesis are described in the Rector’s Order No. 25/2024 (accessible PDF document in Polish, 365 kB), dated March 20, 2024.

  1. The student, after entering the basic information about the thesis and approving the statement in the APD System, uploads the prepared thesis into the system according to the manual:
    • one copy of the thesis in PDF (convertible to text) format;
    • the second copy as an editable file, together with any attachments (including a scan of the Diploma Card as PDF), packed into a ZIP archive.
  2. The thesis must contain:
    • the title card;
    • one page abstract in a contemporary foreign language (including the thesis title);
    • purpose and scope of the thesis;
    • a reviev of literature related to the thesis scope;
    • determination of the work methodology and goal;
    • solution of the problem (calculations, results of experiments, analysis);
    • detailed conclusions and a summary;
  3. Within 30 days after passing the thesis exam, the student receives a set of documents, free of charge:
    • graduation diploma + its two copies in Polish language;
    • diploma supplement + its two copies in Polish language.

The student can receive an alternative free set of documents, after submitting an application to the Dean’s Office. It should be done no later than one day before the diploma exam. The set consists of:

  • graduation diploma + its copy in Polish + its copy in a foreign language (English, German, French, Spanish or Russian);
  • diploma supplement + its copy in Polish + its copy in English, or other language in which the study was conducted.

The student can also apply for additional, paid (20 PLN each) copies of the graduation diploma in foreign languages (English, German, French, Spanish or Russian) and/or diploma supplements in English, or other language in which the study was conducted. In this case a proof of payment should be attached to the application.

Number of bank account for payments for additional copies of the diploma: PKO S.A. O/Bialystok, PL30 1240 1154 1111 0000 2148 7604. Payment title: “payment for diploma copies” + name of the student.


Title page (Word document, 55 kB)
Diploma form (Word document, 58 kB)
Summary (Word document, 26 kB)
Application for diploma (Word document, 18 kB)
Diploma thesis template (Word document, 162 kB)

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