Faculty of Electrical Engineering

NCBIR projects

Reconfigured Aircraft Power Supply System 270V – 28V DC

Project manager/Manager on the part of Faculty of Electrical Engineering BUT: Prof. Andrzej Sikorski, DSc, PhD, Eng., Krzysztof Kulikowski, PhD, Eng.
Contractor: Faculty of Electrical Engineering
Project number: POIR.01.01.01-00-1440/20-00
Source of funding: National Centre for Research and Development (Poland)
Name of the program: Badania przemysłowe i prace rozwojowe realizowane przez przedsiębiorstwa Programu Operacyjnego Inteligentny Rozwój 2014-2020
Duration of the project: 15.04.2021 – 31.12.2023


The project is based on research and development work aimed at creating a new product: the Reconfigured Aircraft Power Supply System. The new device will introduce an innovative solution to the aircraft power supply market. At the airport, electricity is used to power the on-board installation. Power is necessary to calibrate the avionics systems, check the condition of the on-board equipment and start the aircraft engines. Currently used standards of the aircraft supplying voltages are 28V d.c. and 270V d.c. Current power systems solutions require the use of the two different devices to generate the indicated voltage levels. The first important feature of the designed system is the reconfigurability – this means one device which, due to the reconfiguration of the internal structure, will allow to achieve two output voltages levels, and it could be supplied from the following voltages: 400V/50Hz, 480V/60Hz, 200V/400Hz. This type of the structure, controlled by the novel predictive algorithms, has the best chance to meet the normative requirements for such devices. Ultimately, the newly developed device, enclosed in a single housing, can handle a large number of aircraft, even in difficult conditions. The device capability, apart from the phenomenal electrical parameters, will be confirmed by mechanical and climatic tests as well as electromagnetic compatibility tests. The project will be implemented by the Bialystok Technical University with experience in the field of power electronics and the Company specializing in the aircraft power solutions. Many years of experience of both Consortium members will allow for efficient and effective research of the new solution and its implementation, which will result in an innovative device with attractive parameters and wide application possibilities.

Electronic Effective Evacuation Assistance System

Project manager: Assoc. Prof. Wojciech Walendziuk, PhD, DSc, Eng.
Members of the consortium:

  • Faculty of Electrical Engineering – leader,
  • Moose sp. z o.o.

Project number: 0014/2020
Source of funding: National Centre for Research and Development (Poland)
Name of the program: Rzeczy są dla ludzi
Duration of the project: 29.09.2021 – 28.09.2023


The aim of this project is to develop a system for monitoring people with special needs during evacuation from buildings. The system will consist of a set of local reference stations, communicating with portable device, which are the personal equipment of the monitored person. When an alarm signal indicates the occurrence of a dangerous situation, the personal device will inform the user about the need to begin the evacuation process. At the same time, the evacuated person will be located by local reference stations and information about his or her location will be made available to the rescue manager and to the relevant building services.

The implemented project assumes the participation of two members of the consortium and one non-governmental organization operating in the area of support for people with disabilities.

Each of the project members has strictly separated tasks that are adapted to the professional profile.

Bialystok University of Technology, as the project leader, will perform research related to the analysis of fall detection algorithms, conducting experimental research and verification of the developed programs using mathematical and IT tools, i.e. Scilab, Python, etc. In addition, the research group will develop algorithms for the location of the evacuated person. As part of the additional work, expert opinions will be carried out. They will contain procedures for the evacuation of people with special needs. Thanks to this, it will be possible to disseminate the effects of the project in the form of scientific articles referring to evacuation standards used in Poland and the European Union.

Moose Sp. z o.o. will be responsible for the implementation of the software layer. Their aim will be integrate a mobile measuring system in the form of a watch with a set of active navigation points. In addition, the Moose research team will also be responsible for developing a mobile application, creating a web interface for analyzing measurement results and controlling the base station. An important element will be a database located in the so-called data cloud and the development of an appropriate tool for integrating the monitoring system with the aforementioned data base.

  • optimizimg the evacuation process in order to accelerate the rescue procedures;
  • monitoring basic vital functions of evacuated people;
  • storing data in the data cloud;
  • data analysis by the person supervising the evacuation process.

The products of the project results can be presented as follows:

  • a control panel equipped with a system of data acquisition;
  • a set of auxiliary devices performing the function of locating and monitoring the movement of the evacuated person;
  • a mobile module in the form of a wristwatch, monitoring the evacuated person’s basic vital signs;
  • a data analysis system based on the data cloud;
  • smartphones software used for location, system administration and visualization of basic information of the system work;
Research and development of agricultural machines for a sustainable harvesting of green-feed with the use of smart technologies of SaMASZ company which support the concept of Agricultural Valley 4.0

Manager on the part of Faculty of Electrical Engineering BUT: Assoc. Prof. Arkadiusz Mystkowski, DSc, PhD, Eng.
Members of the consortium:

  • SaMasz (leader),
  • BUT, Faculty of Electrical Engineering,
  • BUT, Faculty of Mechanical Engineering,

Project number: POIR.01.01.01-00-2167/20-00
Source of funding: National Centre for Research and Development (Poland)
Name of the program: Agrotech
Duration of the project: 01.01.2021 – 31.12.2023


The project concerns design of a series of agro-machines dedicated to a complex harvesting of green-feed on large fields in accordance with the concept of Agricultural Valley 4.0. The scope of the project covers design and testing of a series of machines including disk mowers combined with head mower and carousel spreader and carousel rake. The machine to be designed shall demonstrate all the features required in the context of precision and sustainable agriculture. Their innovative character shall be related to the on-line collecting data on the harvested green-mass, geo-location of the operations and online mapping allowing for management of agro-operations using LOADSENS/ISOBUS system for monitoring time to the service checks and the remaining time of service of replaceable elements. By combining the functions of a mower, spreader and rake will make it possible to reduce the cost and environmental impact of the operations. The target group are farmers operating on relatively large green-fields. The project includes industrial research, experimental development, and final testing of the prototypes. Within two stages of industrial research part 3 new machines shall be designed for green-feed harvesting and the systems shall be developed for monitoring, mapping and on-line distance control and monitoring of the machines performance. In the 2 stages of the development, the machines shall be designed, and the respective demonstrators shall be experimentally verified. In the final stage prototypes of the machines shall be tested in the conditions representative for the assumed scope of applications. The Applicant shall prepare in this stage detailed documentation needed for the production of a series of machines, documentation of patent applications and a marketing campaign will be prepared.


The aim of the project is to develop and test a set of interconnected machines for harvesting large-area forage acreage, in accordance with the concept of the Agricultural Valley 4.0., with the use of innovative systems and systems that allow conducting sustainable, precise farming.

  1. System for measuring the amount of mown grass with the creation of a map of the field abundance, installed in the mower.
  2. Systems supporting the work of the rake and tedder operator in terms of information on optimal speed values work passes at a given field location.
  3. Self-diagnosis system for damages to the kinematic system of the tedder and rake.
  4. Load Sensing / ISOBUS control system of the mower.
  • Development, implementation and testing of a system monitoring the amount of harvested crop (BigData)
  • Development, implementation and testing of a self-diagnosis system for agricultural machines (4.0)
  • Development of virtual machine twins (DigitalTwin)
  • Development and construction of machines.
  • Optimization of the design of the developed machines.
PROTECT MED – development of innovative solutions increasing the safety of staff and patients in infectious and homonymous hospitals

Manager on the part of Faculty of Electrical Engineering BUT: Assoc. Prof. Maciej Zajkowski, DSc, PhD, Eng.
Members of the consortium:

  • Faculty of Electrical Engineering,
  • Faculty of Mechanical Engineering,
  • Samodzielny Publiczny Zakład Opieki Zdrowotnej Ministerstwa Spraw Wewnętrznych i Administracji w Białymstoku (leader)

Project number: SZPITALE-JEDNOIMIENNE/37/2020
Source of funding: National Centre for Research and Development (Poland)
Duration of the project: 29.10.2020 – 30.04.2021


The aim of the project is to develop modern technological solutions dedicated to the prevention of the spread of SARS-CoV2 in a medical facility, which are to contribute to increasing the safety of staff and patients of the hospital transformed into an infectious disease homogenous hospital.

  1. limiting direct contact of medical personnel with people in quarantine by using the proprietary solution for self-registration of patients
  2. implementation of mobile robots – medical staff assistants;
  3. implementation of a procedure for surface decontamination with UV-C radiation using a remotely controlled mobile robot;
  1. development and implementation effective procedure of independent, basic diagnostics, self-registration admitted patient, non-contact and automatic disinfection equipment using UV-C radiation (MedTAB);
  2. development, construction and implementation the surface decontamination procedure, including hard-to-reach surfaces, using UV-C radiation by remotely controlled mobile robot (ROBUV);
  3. construction and implementation for use in hospital conditions two mobile, remotely controlled robots, enabling hospital staff to safely contact patients, perform simple examinations and establish remote and safe contact with loved ones, as well as entertainment in a difficult period of stay in isolation (BOBOT 2.0);
  4. development and implementation application for smartphones to facilitate independent movement (navigation) around the hospital premises with designated infection risk zones and for employees unfamiliar with the facility.

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